Tag Archives: Dream Journals

Each Small Step Leads Us Closer to Our Dreams


Over the past two years, I’ve released the past and made room for a different future. God has brought some amazing people into my life and He has offered my some amazing experiences.  I’ve been engaged in new and enlightening conversations about grasping a hold of the meaning and purpose for our existence.  Why are we here?  How am I supposed to make an impact on the world in which I live?

At the core of this existence is the intimacy of the relationships that we have the privilege to develop with a few special people who “speak” our language.  I am finding my voice and understanding that God has already determined that my life will include encounters with those that speak my language, feel my passions, and support my goals.  I was sidetracked for so long because I had not yet defined my values, my boundaries, my purpose for living.  Whoo – was that a CrAzY ride!

As I remain STILL so that I can hear divine direction, I have taken the time to rediscover Michelle.  I am thankful for my youthful spirit and the energy that God has given me in this season of my life.  I am thankful for the resources and information that God is bringing to my attention.  I realize that the journey has been the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge, live through a variety of experiences, engage with a diverse group of individuals in preparation for getting me closer to God’s purpose for my life.

Yesterday, I was blessed to study about BOLDNESS and FAITH.  It’s time to move forward and make dreams come alive.  No more fear of moving forward because I don’t see the entire plan laid out to perfection.  The plan develops as we take steps forward.  Each small step leads us closer to the dream.

What is your purpose?  Are you being STILL enough to hear the direction for your life?